X_pl@re scour platform

Discover our digital rock scour platform

X_ch@nge scour database

Discover our unique worldwide rock scour database

The first ever handbook on DIGITAL ROCK SCOUR is waiting for you at www.routledge.com !

Discover our family of Sc@r modules


The rocsc@r® digital environment features the following cloud-based digital platforms and software:

X_pl@re platform

a cloud-based digital platform that houses the rocsc@r® software, featuring a wide range of both novel and approved scour prediction methods within one single numerical environ-ment.

X_ch@nge platform

a cloud-based digital platform that houses a rock scour database, allowing to consult any type of scour cases that have been published worldwide. The platform has free-access, promoting the development and exchange of parametric data.

rocsc@r software

a scour software that offers widely approved and next-gen computational scour methods that are fully customizable in an off-the-shelf dedicated visual interface, allowing cutting-edge cloud-based computations and parametric analysis.


Use of 2D planar vertical profiles


Oblique and vertical air-water jets impinging into a plunge pool

Turbulent Flows over the water-rock interface


Rock mass

Full 2D geological description with depth



Erik Bollaert

Founder, President

Civil Engineer

PhD hydraulics and rock mechanics

Member ASCE, Member IAHR