
Your cloud-based database for rock scour at dams and hydraulic structures

Rock Scour Database


The X_ch@nge digital platform allows to freely upload and consult any type of rock scour case studies that have been performed world-wide, for real-life or laboratory generated cases. This platform offers a practice-oriented database focusing on informing specialists and engineers on the most relevant results, parameters and calibrations that have been used for each of the available computational methods.

The platform has free-access, promoting to enhance parametric pertinence and experience. It aims widespread distribution and exchange of relevant data, so that shared benefits may be expected for our engineering community.

X_ch@nge contains a database with basically the same structure as the X_pl@re platform, i.e. distinction is made between the different types of turbulent flow that are covered by the software: oblique and vertical impacting jets, circular and rectangular-shapes jets and nappe flows, any other turbulent flow environment quasi-parallel to the water–rock interface.

Furthermore, the following main parameters of interest are needed to succeed with an upload of your case study in question:

  • Hydraulic parameters
  • Geometric parameters
  • Rock mass parameters

Database types of turbulent flows

Free overfall jets


Free surface overfall jets, typically generated by dam crest spillways. This type of turbulent flow is characterized by jets that are impinging rather close to the dam toe.

Pressurized jets

Pressurized jet flows typically generated by intermediate or low-level (bottom) gated outlets through the dam body.

Ski-jump jets

Jets from spillways that flow over the downstream face of the dam and end up being ejected towards downstream by means of a flip bucket structure. 

Stilling basin flows


Jets that start as spillway generated chute flow or gated pressurized flow and that are dissipated downstream by means of a stilling basin structure.

Channel flows


Turbulent flows that are generated by spillways and that flow in lined or unlined channels conveying the water towards downstream.