
Try out our 3D fluid-solid coupled scour computations

RemoteSc@r™ is a dedicated API (Application Programming Interface) digital connection that offers a computational interface between the FLOW-3D® CFD software and the rocsc@r scour software. RemoteSc@r allows to perform sequentially coupled fluid-solid scour computations during which the flow parameters are sequentially updated as a function of generated scour and, vice versa, the scour formation accounts for sequentially updated flow parameters.

This is performed using an API connection between FLOW-3D (running on a local PC) and rocsc@r (running on the cloud). A user-friendly visual interface allows fast, secure and personalized access, as well as determination of all relevant parameters, such as the computational method to use, the time step or layer height during the iterations, the number of iterations to perform or also the time duration of FLOW-3D computations.

Furthermore, RemoteSc@r™ allows sound and efficient embedment of the rocsc@r® software into dedicated digital twins of dams and hydropower stations.

Key features

  • 2D and 3D sequential fluid-solid coupling for any type of turbulent flow
  • Ultra-fast API connection between FLOW-3D® (on your local PC) and rocsc@r® (on the cloud)
  • User-friendly visual interface
  • Fast, secure and personalized access
  • Made for digital twin implementation (real-time)
  • Customizable parametric settings and scour thresholds
  • 3D scour evolution with time
  • 3D rock mass model with unlimited number of lithologies


A user-friendly visual interface allows fast, secure and personalized access, as well as determination of all relevant parameters.

Rocsc@r parameters comprise the computational method to use, the computational ID, the time step or maximum layer height per iteration, or also the number of iterations or the total time duration to perform.

FLOW-3D parameters are the project name, the work folder, the number of iterations to perform, the presence of a warm-up itertion at start, and finally the hydraulic time period modelled in FLOW-3D for each of the iterations.

An example of 3D fluid-solid coupled scour computations is illustrated by the movie on the right-hand side, where a plunging aerated jet falls into a plunge pool and scours the underlying bedrock.

Sequential coupling between rocsc@r and FLOW-3D allows to progressively scour the bedrock and to adapt the 3D flow hydraulics as a function of the scoured bottom.

The hydraulic parameters transmitted by FLOW-3D after each iterative run are obtained at the water-rock interface and comprise the flow depth, the flow velocity, the shear stress, the dynamic pressures and finally the stream power.

The coupling continuous until a dynamic equilibrium is reached whereby the bedrock does not scour anymore between successive iterations.